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Canteloupes Vs. Mortarboards: the Media Attack on Rep. Steve King

The loud leftist press continues to hammer Rep. Steve King about his statement that many more drug smugglers than valedictorians would be amnestied under the DREAM aspect of the big freebie legislation. Once lib scribblers agree upon an easily defined target to vilify, they are sharks smelling blood.

King stated that “for everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

If King had used a sports metaphor, he might have been better off. If he had said “calves the size of soccer balls” it would have avoided images of hispanic agricultural pickers, which the amnesty hustlers hate with a passion. Raza types want to promote the false idea of hispanic scholastic achievers being the norm rather than the exception. The same message is attempted by DREAMer kiddies wearing graduation outfits whenever they are mooching amnesty or begging for a free college education.

There are plenty of stories in the diversity-enthralled media about more hispanic students entering college, but not so much reporting about how many actually graduate. In fact, less than half of hispanics make it through a four-year education. Plus, many diverse students require intense remedial classes in English and math to learn basic skills they should have mastered in high school.

The upshot is the continuing failure of hispanics to achieve academically. While more than half of Asians in the US have college degrees, only 9 percent of Mexicans reach that level. For details, see the Educational Attainment page of the larger 2012 Pew study The 10 Largest Hispanic Origin Groups: Characteristics, Rankings, Top Counties. The chart shown here is from that report. (For comparison, 40 percent of white Americans have earned a bachelor’s degree.)

The point is that Congressman King was entirely accurate in his characterization of hispanics as not natural valedictorians. Wearing mortarboards doesn’t make them scholars.

Steve King: Immigration remarks not debunked, Politico, August 11, 2013

In what became a heated argument, Rep. Steve King on Sunday once again defended his controversial remarks about drug smugglers among immigrants who could be legalized under the DREAM Act, setting off a tense exchange with Republican strategist Ana Navarro.

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the Iowa Republican was asked to a respond to a his remarks that “for everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

King said his statements were accurate and have been misconstrued.

“My numbers have not been debunked. I said valedictorians compared to people who would be legalized under the act that are drug smugglers coming across the border. My characterization was exclusively to drug smugglers,” King said.

Host David Gregory said the remark had been debunked in that it was impossible to know how many valedictorians or drug smugglers would be involved in the DREAM Act.

“Then, what’s their number? How many valedictorians do they suggest? And I’ll tell you, I’ve seen the drug smugglers,” King said. “For this to be characterized by Dick Durbin as valedictorians, I’m telling the American people that I recognize that. … But this proposes to legalize a lot of people that will include the people who are drug smugglers up to the age of 35.” Continue reading this article

Los Angeles School Diversity Update, by Way of Matt Damon

Like numerous conservative outlets, the Daily Caller has smacked actor Matt Damon as a hypocrite for putting his kids in private school after being a loudmouth for public schools. A Hollywood liberal who is a phony and doesn’t follow his own stated beliefs?? What a surprise.

Hey, I’ll admit to being appreciative of Damon’s talents, in particular his performance in Team America World Police:

Damon made the choice during his move from New York City to Los Angeles. Perhaps he realized that LA has a special kind of intense diversity that may not present a valuable educational experience for Hollywood elite kiddies. One fact is revealed in the Los Angeles Unified School District fact sheet for 2011-2012 — the percentage of white students does not even reach 10 percent, while hispanics number almost three-quarters.

The LAUSD is a behemoth territory encompassing 710 square miles serving all of the city of Los Angeles plus part or all of a couple dozen other communities, with an enrollment of 920,000 and a budget of $6.6 billion for 2011-12.

In liberal communities, lip service is paid to educational diversity, but in practice it’s quite a different story. In uber-left San Francisco over 29 percent of students attended private school as of 2005, a rate that was nearly three times the national average. Los Angeles the city is tops nationwide in charter school enrollment, but private school numbers are curiously hard to find.

Another measure of diverse scholastic failure is illustrated by the chart showing that 44 percent of adult hispanics in the city of Los Angeles do not have even a high school education, the second worst level in the nation. The chart is a little confusing as a stand-alone, but it does clearly mean hispanics in the original 2012 Pew study, Characteristics of the 60 Largest Metropolitan Areas by Hispanic Population.

Los Angeles is a stew of hispanic diversity failure, from school dropouts to gang crime. Damon has said the schools aren’t “progressive” enough, which they most certainly are at least according to their diversity, which is definitely a progressive value.

Matt Damon loves public schools for your kids, but not his, Daily Caller, August 6, 2013

Matt Damon fervently supports American public schools and increased funding for American public schools. Strangely, however, he has chosen not to send any of his four children to the schools he loves so much.

The mega-wealthy, left-wing actor divulged his decision in a weekend interview with a British newspaper, reports the Daily Mail. He was promoting a new science-fiction movie, “Elysium.”

Perhaps the most delicious part of the story is Damon’s wacky rationale: he says public schools just aren’t sufficiently “progressive” to suit his politics.

Damon, 42, is moving to Los Angeles from New York. Just like millions of Americans, except in the completely opposite way, he claimed he doesn’t “have a choice” when it comes private schooling.

He did call public schools “unfair,” though, and not what they were back when he was a kid. Continue reading this article

Census: Language Diversity Has Proliferated in America

The Census has published an updated report about what languages are spoken in the United States and the numbers must look like good news to professional translators, because English is less present. The newbies keep their home-country languages and millions speak those languages at home. In fact, the US is 5th largest Spanish-speaking country, a fact which must be cheering for La Raza, but is a sign of cultural fracturing for the national community.

The Census has set up an interactive map that allows the curious reader to explore the modern language universe, e.g. to see how many people speak Arabic around Detroit or Persian in Los Angeles. There is also a written report: Language Use in the United States: 2011.

But the big headlines are about Spanish. According to the 2011 Community Survey, a fifth of US residents speak a language other than English at home (60.6 million) a number which has tripled in the last three decades. Of those 60+ million, two-thirds are Spanish speakers. A Spanish-language density map is shown below.

Nearly 38 Million In U.S. Speak Spanish At Home, Census Says, Fox News Latino, August 07, 2013

Nearly 38 million U.S. residents speak Spanish at home, a stunning increase over the 1980 number of 11 million, according to the U.S. Census.

Spanish-speakers accounted for roughly two-thirds of the nearly 61 million who speak a language other than English at home, the Census report said.

At the same time, proficiency in English seems to be on the rise among Spanish-speakers, with 5.6 percent of this group saying that they speak English “less than very well,” compared with 5.7 percent over the 2005-2011 period.

Overall, the number of people in the United States who speak a foreign language at home has tripled since 1980. Continue reading this article

France: New York Times Portrays Diverse Town As Successful

To hear the New York Times tell it, mass Muslim immigration does not have to be a problem. It has found a French town (that many Americans have never heard of) Roubaix where the multicultural experiment appears to be going great. As long as French residents there violate the nation’s principle of state secularism (laïcité) and coddle Islamic practices, then no distressing jihadist terror occurs.

Of course, this strategy is not the traditional assimilation of immigrants but submission of the native population to hostile newcomers, a tactic which Islam has perfected during its 1400-year war against all non-Muslims: “Just do things the Koran way, and nobody gets hurt.” As long as Roubaix residents submit to Muslim desires, peace will continue. But the requirements of the Muslims are likely to become increasingly more intrusive with time, such as demands that free speech be curtailed to suit Islam.

There is only one exception to the Times’ pretty diversity picture, which appears in a single down-page paragraph. When a pro-secular group was scheduled to rotate to leadership on a town civic association, the Muslims were angered and left. Muslims believe in Islamic supremacy and don’t like having their wishes thwarted. At 20 percent of the population, Muslims tend to become violently hostile if the host organism does not submit.

Below, Roubaix has welcomed Muslim social institutions like halal butcher shops, which sell meat cruelly slaughtered according to Islamic directives.

The Times wraps up with a cheerful observation that in Roubaix, a person can be a Muslim and a Christian simultaneously.

Time will tell. The media has proclaimed ideal diversity models before that quickly disintegrated. One example: National Geographic’s Marseille Melting Pot, which devolved with burqa riots a few months later.

A French Town Bridges the Gap Between Muslims and Non-Muslims, New York Times, August 5, 2013

ROUBAIX, France — Wearing head scarves and long skirts, the women glide along the faded back streets of this poor French town as they make their way to the mosque to hear the last prayer of the evening.

Like their husbands and brothers, fathers and sons, they feel at home here. That is in large part because Roubaix, a small city in northeastern France, has made a point of embracing its Muslim population, proportionately one of the largest in the country.

“I am comfortable in these clothes here in Roubaix,” said Farid Gacem, the bearded president of the Abu Bakr mosque, who was wearing a nearly ankle-length loose brown tunic on a recent afternoon.

In a country where Islamic head coverings are regulated by law and many Muslims say they have been made to feel like outsiders, Roubaix is one of just a handful of cities that have broken with a rigid interpretation of the country’s state secularism. The city stands out for its effort to take discreet but pointed steps to promote an active Muslim community, and in doing so it has diminished the ethnic and sectarian tensions that have afflicted other parts of France, evident again during the holy month of Ramadan this summer.

In Trappes, a heavily Muslim suburb of Paris, an altercation between the police and a woman wearing a niqab, a veil that is illegal to wear in public, turned violent two weeks ago. In another suburb of Paris, the mayor refused a request by Muslims for a prayer room to use during Ramadan. The Interior Ministry says crimes targeting Muslims have increased 28 percent this year.

Yet here in Roubaix, the mood is different. That is despite one of the worst unemployment rates in the country, 22 percent, with the figure far higher among young people, according to the mayor’s office. Nearly half of households have incomes below the poverty line, and many areas are troubled by petty crime and drug trafficking.

The question is whether Roubaix’s approach to multiculturalism will become a model for other French cities, or if, in a country in which the Muslim population finds itself at the center of a debate over racism, religious tolerance and national identity, it will remain an exception. Continue reading this article

SoCal Wells Fargo Bank Experiences Burqa Diversity

From San Diego County comes news of a burqa bank robber (pictured) who failed to snatch the cash but did manage to escape. The fugitive was described as wearing white shoes and a maroon tent.

Burqa banditry is a growing crime strategy because the all-covering garment reveals little about the perp, plus many Americans are too fearful of being called Islamophobic to object to masked persons in the public space.

Islam scholar Daniel Pipes recently wrote of his home town Philadelphia’s surge of the crime, counting 15 successful or failed burqa robberies over the last six years. Pipes also keeps a blog on the general topic of burqa crimes starting in 1998 and continuing to the present.

Isn’t it long past time to make masks in public illegal? Why does our nation allow such anti-social — and likely criminal — behavior to continue? Masks are a threat to public safety, and also show up when anarchists come around. The only good excuse for a mask is a sub-zero Minnesota winter.

Of course, the real solution would be to end Muslim immigration entirely. The Allah-worshippers are trouble wherever they settle in large numbers, from Paris to Dearborn.

San Diego, California News Station – KFMB Channel 8 – cbs8.com

Burka bandit tries to hold up National City bank, CBS8 San Diego, August 2, 2013

NATIONAL CITY (CNS) – A woman tried to rob a bank in National City, and officials sought the public’s help locating her.

The attempted robbery occurred at around 6 p.m. Thursday at a Wells Fargo Bank branch at 1199 Highland Ave., according to FBI Special Agent Darrell Foxworth.

“At the time of the robbery, the woman entered the bank and stood in the teller line until summoned by a teller,” Foxworth said. “Upon arriving at the teller counter, the woman presented a demand note.”

The teller read some of the demand note then alerted another bank employee, Foxworth said.

The woman waited a few seconds then walked out of the bank without any money, according to Foxworth.

No injuries were reported.

The suspect was female with an olive complexion and heavy eye makeup and wearing a maroon colored burka and light colored or white shoes, according to Foxworth. She was about 5 feet 6 inches tall and in her late 20s to early 30s, according to Foxworth.

Los Angeles’ Mexican Archbishop Is a New Spokes-priest for Amnesty

The list of forces against American sovereignty and citizenship is long and powerful. One of the founding members of the open-borders gaggle is the Catholic church, which wants to import more customers for what it’s selling, to replace the falling attendance among American Catholics. The church even discourages assimilation to keep foreigners dependent on its welcoming pews, as its demographics become more hispanic and less English-speaking American. One measure: Hispanics account for more than 70 percent of the growth in the US Catholic population since 1960.

The immigration issue is not only about church concerns of activity and relevance, it also has big money implications. The church’s offshoot Catholic Charities gets billions of our tax dollars to perform immigration-related social work, like settling refugees and educating illegal aliens about how to work the system.

Below is an image from Catholic Charities at a Glance, 2010. Look closely to see that 62% of the $4,669,503,437 budget comes from American taxpayers (aka “Government Revenue”) which comes out to be $2,895,092,130.

One of the bright new pro-amnesty faces is the recently installed Los Angeles Archbishop Gomez. Unlike his predecessor Roger Mahony who flacked the issue relentlessly, Gomez is an immigrant himself with Mexican cred to burn. He can chatter in Spanish all day long with the new parishioners. Of course, American church-goers may feel left out by the hispanicization of their once-familiar English-speaking congregation, but the current trend is all about celebrating diversity for the brave new world of diversity above all else.

L.A. Diocese’s Archbishop Gomez pushes immigration overhaul bill, Los Angeles Times, August 3, 2013

As a child, L.A. Archbishop Jose Horacio Gomez traveled back and forth across the border from his home in Monterrey, Mexico, to his uncle’s in San Antonio, Texas. He made the trip so often that he hardly distinguished between Mexico and the United States.

“It was easy to cross in those times,” says Gomez, now 61, who became a citizen in his mid-40s. “I guess my first impression was that people could live in both countries at the same time.”

When he talks about the border, he slips into the Spanish slang of his childhood. He uses migra for U.S. immigration officials and mica for the old-style border-crossing cards he needed to visit his American cousins in Texas.

“I’m an immigrant myself,” he says, squinting behind his rimless glasses as he smiles. Continue reading this article

Britain: Self-Deport Van Creates Controversy among Usual Suspects

A new campaign is underway in Britain to convince illegal aliens to go home the same way they arrived, namely on their own dime. The content provider is a mobile sign (pictured) that cruises around diverse neighborhoods delivering the message that unlawful foreigners should leave or face arrest.

There’s a helpful phone number on the sign that offers advice, even though successful intruders are highly expert on the topic of illegal penetration, and leaving is even easier.

When candidate Mitt Romney suggested illegal aliens might self-deport, he was widely condemned as being offensive to hispanic lawbreakers. But seriously, wouldn’t it be more empowering for intruders to arrive home on their own devices, rather than being deported, so they can say they returned for a more honorable reason? Self-deportation might protect the famously touchy Latin male ego.

Unsurprisingly, Al Jazeera found the idea that illegal aliens should leave to be “provocative”:

The Go Home van is a pretty pathetic attempt at immigration enforcement, but the government must want to be seen as doing something. Like most humans, British don’t want their society overrun with invasive aliens, as shown by a 2012 poll in which the number of immigrants was named as the top worst thing about Britain.

For more information on the normal human dislike for excessive diversity, see the Pew Research paper, World Publics Welcome Global Trade — But Not Immigration. Pollsters at the French company Ipsos have found similar results. People like their own tribe the best — that’s human nature.

Here’s the Telegraph report on the van:

Border checks better than ‘unsettling’ adverts targeting illegal immigrants, says Nick Clegg, Daily Telegraph, July 30, 2013

Bringing back exit checks at Britain’s borders would be much better at tackling illegal immigration than the Home Office’s “unsettling” and “aimless” adverts on vans, Nick Clegg has said.

The Deputy Prime Minister said he was “surprised” to hear about two vans sent out by the Home Office displaying adverts demanding that illegal immigrants “go home or face arrest”.

Speaking on BBC Radio 5live, he said it would be much better to bring back identity checks at the border to track when immigrants leave the country.

Mr Clegg said he has personally insisted that this measure will be brought in before 2015, as promised by the Coalition.

The Deputy Prime Minister said he was “hardline” about tough immigration laws but did not like the “tone” of the advertisements commissioned by the department of Theresa May, the Home Secretary. Continue reading this article

Chamber of Commerce Letter to House Leaders Demands Amnesty

The Chamber of Commerce is turning the screws on the House, with a high-pressure letter for House party leaders Boehner and Pelosi. Signers include everyone from Facebook to the American Beekeeping Federation. It’s the usual lies er, talking points about the economy, mostly with the threat that business wants millions of new cheap workers, or else. Resistance is futile, etc. The twenty million Americans unable to find full-time work don’t concern the business titans.

However, the image on the Chamber’s home page introducing the letter (shown below) is most curious and deserves consideration.

First of all, the image of gazillions of foreigners marching in orderly battalions to the United States looks more like an invasion of hostiles than the immigration of friendly individuals joining the American community. If the Chamber wants to scare average citizens, it is doing a swell job.

Plus, aren’t the foreigners coming from the wrong direction?? Shouldn’t they be coming from the south, from points below the Rio Grande, i.e. Latin America? Immigrants haven’t come en masse from Europe in nearly a century.

But the Chamber apparently wants to continue the fantasy that America is not being demographically altered forever by mass immigration — even as La Raza et al celebrate diversity and preach the virtue of obliterating white Americans whose ancestors built the country the multiculturists want to conquer. A major item of the Senate bill is the tripling of legal immigration for a decade, and they won’t be college graduates from Europe.

Oh, and here’s the letter:

Multi-Industry letter to Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader Pelosi urging for immigration reform, US Chamber of Commerce, July 30, 2013

Release Date:  Tuesday, July 30, 2013
The Honorable John Boehner 
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
 Minority Leader
The U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker and Leader Pelosi:

The undersigned organizations urge the United States Congress to enact legislation that would bring meaningful reforms to critical components of our nation’s immigration system. Reform of an outdated, broken immigration system is essential if we are to achieve a fully revitalized economy that provides rewarding and lasting jobs and opportunities for all Americans.

Thought leaders from across the ideological spectrum agree that enacting immigration reform now will accelerate U.S. economic growth at a critical time when it has struggled to recover, and will help to enable sustained growth for decades to come. Done right, reform will also serve to protect and complement our U.S. workforce, generating greater productivity and economic activity that will lead to new innovations, products, businesses, and jobs in communities across the U.S. Continue reading this article

France Considers Designating Major City Marseille a No-Go Zone

In March 2012, the National Geographic magazine published a glowing story titled “Marseille Melting Pot” about the French port city which asked, “As more European countries become nations of immigrants, is the multicultural city of Marseille a vision of the future?” with pretty pictures of diversity like the one below.

But just a few months later the diverse city (30-40 percent Muslim) experienced a burqa riot.

Since then the crime has gotten worse, and the mayor requested a year ago that the army be brought in to tackle the Kalshnikov-toting gangs.

To be fair, Marseille has been a crime town for years, as a connecting point for Afghan heroin going to the US in the French Connection. However, the influx of hostile Muslims has added another flash point.

Now there is an admission of further failure to maintain public order, with Hollande’s Socialist government considering the designation of Marseille as a no-go zone that needs extra policing.

VladTepesBlog.com has posted a translation of a July 31 Le Figaro article with a photo showing the new gangsterized city:

France’s Interior Minister Manuel Valls refuses to place the whole city of Marseille in a Priority Security Zone, July 31, 2013, An original translation by C. B. Sashenka from Le Figaro

VladTepesBlog: Just to be clear. France is considering declaring the second largest city, and one of the poorest, in the entire country a No-Go zone due primarily to muslim violence. The English vocabulary for extremes has already been overused to such an extent that there simply are no words left to describe the magnitude of the significance of this article. As to our respective nations? Someone needs to make a bar graph of available data. That is, unless we actually do something different.

For the Interior Minister Valls, to comply with the request of the socialist president of the urban community of Marseilles, Eugene Caselli, to place the entire Phoenician City (Marseille) in a Priority Security Zone (ZSP in French – Zone de Sécurité Prioritaire), would not make any sense.

A proposition that “would not be effective and would not make any sense” for Manuel Valls.

Wednesday, the Minister of Interior rejected the proposal advanced by Eugene Caselli, the socialist president of the urban community, and others before him, to classify the entire Phoenician City as a Priority Security Zone (ZSP in French). Continue reading this article

Senator Sessions Urges Republicans to Seize Immigration Limits as a Winning Issue

Jeff Sessions, a leader against the Senate’s destructive amnesty bill in recent months, has sent a memo to fellow Republicans, urging them to reject amnesty. Many in the party have bad ideas in their heads about how a vote for amnesty will put them in the good graces of the overestimated hispanic voter. But it makes no sense to pursue a minority voting bloc when the Republican base strongly rejects amnesty for millions of lawbreaking foreigners.

Sessions argues that Democrats believe they can get away with screwing their own people in the working class because Repubs would be too dim, too bought by big business to stand for American workers.

Actually, the Democrats abandoned working class citizens years ago, when the Ds decided to become the diversity party, excluding all other values.

The upshot is that very few elected officials in Washington give a passing thought to Americans struggling in a worsening economy that is supposed to be recovering from a recession. It’s an opportunity for Republicans, if they are wise enough to embrace it.

A Tea Party website posted Sessions’ whole memorandum:

Sessions to Republicans: GOP Elite View on Immigration Is ‘Nonsense’, TeaParty.org, July 29, 2013

Memo: How The GOP Can Do The Right Thing On Immigration—And Win
July 29, 2013
To: Republican Colleagues
From: Ranking Member Jeff Sessions

The GOP needs to flip the immigration debate on its head.

The same set of GOP strategists, lobbyists, and donors who have always favored a proposal like the Gang of Eight immigration bill argue that the great lesson of the 2012 election is that the GOP needs to push for immediate amnesty and a drastic surge in low-skill immigration.

This is nonsense.

The GOP lost the election—as exit polls clearly show—because it hemorrhaged support from middle- and low-income Americans of all backgrounds. In changing the terms of the immigration debate we will not only prevent the implementation of a disastrous policy, but begin a larger effort to broaden our appeal to working Americans of all backgrounds. Now is the time to speak directly to the real and legitimate concerns of millions of hurting Americans whose wages have declined and whose job prospects have grown only bleaker. This humble and honest populism—in contrast to the Administration’s cheap demagoguery—would open the ears of millions who have turned away from our party. Of course, such a clear and honest message would require saying “no” to certain business demands and powerful interests who shaped the immigration bill in the Senate.

In Senator Schumer’s failed drive to acquire 70 votes, he convinced every single Democrat in his conference to support a bill that adds four times more guest workers than the rejected 2007 immigration plan while dramatically boosting the number of low-skill workers admitted to the country each year on a permanent basis. All this at a time when wages are lower than in 1999, when only 58 percent of U.S. adults are working, and when 47 million residents are on food stamps. Even CBO confirms that the proposal will reduce wages and increase unemployment. Low-income Americans will be hardest hit. Continue reading this article

California in Severe Drought, but Senate Amnesty Would Admit Millions More Residents

At 38 million residents, California is overpopulated from a water supply standpoint. Any normal reduction of rainfall for several years is now a source of concern that rationing is likely to follow. The state has had two years of sub-normal rain which puts a strain on water supply for drinkers, farmers and fishermen. Plus, long droughts are a fact of life in the region, shown by the two megadroughts starting 1100 years ago, each lasting more than a century.

Below, northern California’s Lake Shasta at 31 percent capacity a few years back.

California is nothing like the paradise it once was, under the burdens of diversity and overcrowding. Worse, there will be a whole lot more of both if the Senate amnesty sluts get their way and triple legal immigration.

Since California is attractive to immigrants and illegal aliens, we can assume many of the newbies will settle in the state. A recent PPIC factsheet estimated that one in four foreign-born persons in the United States resides in California; it would be reasonable to think that a similar proportion of new immigrants would do likewise. Yes, the state economy stinks, but pre-existing relatives there and liberal policies are still magnets.

Assuming 30 million new immigrants in the next decade (rather than today’s 10 million, 1 M annually), a quarter of that would be 7.5 million more water-using residents ending up in Crowdifornia. Given the region’s natural history, Washington’s crazy-growth immigration policy is environmentally unsustainable and guarantees worsened water supply problems in the future.

Farmers face water shortage under drought conditions, KCRA, July 17, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —Record dry and warm weather across California has put the state in a severe drought, according to the National Weather Service.

Earlier this week the California State Water Resources Board issued a “Notice of Surface Water Shortage for 2013.”

The document warned that some water rights holders may see their diversion cut off by late summer and fall.

The dire warning comes after California saw its driest winter in nearly 90 years. Continue reading this article

Food Stamp Fraud Plus Immigration Redistributes American Wealth Abroad

As shown by the chart below, the number of non-citizens receiving food stamps has quadrupled since 2001. But according to an investigation by the New York Post, a lot of the free-to-them food is being packed up in giant containers and shipped to the immigrants’ homelands.

As one of the persons interviewed in the following article observes, the food stamp program was never meant to be foreign aid. We taxpayers already fork over billions of dollars in foreign aid every year ($23B in 2012), including Islamic hellholes like Pakistan and Egypt.

However, the redistribution sector highlighted in the Post focuses on the Caribbean, which is to be expected given New York’s flavor of diversity.

NY food stamp recipients are shipping welfare-funded groceries to relatives in Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti, New York Post, July 21, 2013

Food stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout — with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded benefits to ship food to relatives in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Welfare recipients are buying groceries with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and packing them in giant barrels for the trip overseas, The Post found.

The practice is so common that hundreds of 45- to 55-gallon cardboard and plastic barrels line the walls of supermarkets in almost every Caribbean corner of the city.

The feds say the moveable feasts go against the intent of the $86 billion welfare program for impoverished Americans.

A spokeswoman for the US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service said welfare benefits are reserved for households that buy and prepare food together. She said states should intervene if people are caught shipping nonperishables abroad.

Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, called it just another example of welfare abuse.

“I don’t want food-stamp police to see what people do with their rice and beans, but it’s wrong,” Tanner told The Post. “The purpose of this program is to help Americans who don’t have enough to eat. This is not intended as a form of foreign aid.”

The United States spent $522.7 million on foreign aid to the Caribbean last fiscal year, government data show. Continue reading this article